Let's map Iceland finally

Let's finally map Iceland but this time don't bother the Danish or American cartographers, map Iceland on your own with a little help from Google Map Maker.

Start your mapping today and make a better and finally free map of Iceland. Forget about the pay-to-get-data. This doesn't work, simply because it produces overpriced and low-quality maps.

This time Google Map Maker gives you the wonderful opportunity to make the map of Iceland free - from the people to the people, from us to us. We all need a new and better map of Iceland.

Tell your friends, children, neighbours, colleagues and students. Let them map the area they know best: their street, house, walking or riding path, their camping site, river, hill, valley, harbor, i.e. everything they can locate on the map. It is easy, it is fun, it is educational and it is a quite intelligent hobby. Be a map maker on your own! Iceland is the best country in the World and it deserves the best map. Let's do it together.

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